Shawbury, St Mary the Virgin

St Mary the Virgin, Shawbury

6 bells, tenor 11-2-0 in F# SY4 4NH SJ 559212

Sunday: 10.30 - 11.00am, check with tower correspondent

Monday: 7.00 - 8.00pm, first in the month, check with tower correspondent.
In other weeks at Stanton (winter) or Moreton Corbet (summer).

The second, third and Tenor were cast by Abraham Rudhall I of Gloucester in 1705. The Treble and fifth were cast by Thomas Rudhall at the same foundry in 1774. The fourth was recast by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in 1982, when they rehung the bells with new fittings. The older bells have all lost their canons. The frame is wooden (Pickford 6.2 plan, configured B1, C2, D3, E4, F5, A6).

The bells are rung from a gallery, which is open to the nave.

Parking should be available at the parish hall to the west of the church.

The church has a fine Norman font.

Shawbury tenor

The Tenor

Shawbury 4th inscription

The Whitechapel foundry mark on the fourth

Shawbury 3rd mark and date

Abraham Rudhall's foundry mark
and the date 1705 on the third

Shawbury 5th foundry mark

Thomas Rudhall's foundry mark on the fifth